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lazy thoughts
princess' diaries IV
Thursday, 7 September 2006
different strokes for different folks
Mood:  vegas lucky
Topic: lazy thoughts

yoyo has a habit of pouncing on unsuspecting victims & sticking her tongue into their mouths....ewwwww!

well, thank goodness she's not a poo- eater, and she selects her favorite few for the PDA (public display of affections).

me? i'm just your average smoocher, not a french kisser. i want everybody to run to me, not run from me....*giggle*

Posted by terror-twins at 13:17 JST
Updated: Thursday, 7 September 2006 17:38 JST
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Friday, 8 September 2006 - 16:41 JST

Name: "belinda"

Bubble does tat too!! Why huh?R  they are overly affectionate dogs?my mum doesnt like it when bubble jumps on her to lick her.

Saturday, 9 September 2006 - 13:22 JST

Name: terror-twins
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"belinda" wrote:

Bubble does tat too!! Why huh?R  they are overly affectionate dogs?my mum doesnt like it when bubble jumps on her to lick her.

*giggle* they actually wants a mouth lick & is a closet kisser. this is simply a natural evolution of the pup asking its returning mum for a meal. what they truly wants, is for you to regurgitate a treat... *giggle*
this behavior not only satisfies their hunger, it acts as a family bonding mechanism.
this is in a way in which some dogs feed their young, & it is also why dog eat food that has just been vomitted out up.
you know what they say about going for 'dog- training', well, it's actually a course to train YOU to accept who they are & how they behave *giggle*

Tuesday, 12 September 2006 - 10:41 JST

Name: "be" i know....heehe..

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