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lazy thoughts
princess' diaries IV
Wednesday, 18 October 2006
oh no, not again!
Mood:  sad
Topic: lazy thoughts

just as i was getting excited to attend the SKC dog show this sunday, yoyo dropped a bomb to crush my hopes... i know, she's unhappy too, and meant 'lucky' sarcastically...

nah, i'm not going without yoyo. i had wanted to introduce all my friends to yoyo, especially my buddy- hammer lee (aka emily, with the silent 'h'...)

arh well, we'll go next year then... 

anyway, another trivial on yoyo, the ckcs...

What is the lozenge spot found on Blenheims? The lozenge is unique and highly desirable, though not an essential, characteristic of the Blenheim. The story of the spot is told that when the Duke of Marlborough was fighting abroad in the Battle of Blenheim, his wife Sarah the Duchess is reported to have been in a very anxious state at home waiting for news. For comfort, she stroked one of their Blenheim Spaniels that was soon to have puppies. She repeatedly pressed her thumb on the dog's head. When news of the great battle victory arrived, five puppies were born bearing red thumbprints on their foreheads. This mark became known as the Blenheim or lozenge spot.

Posted by terror-twins at 16:59 JST
Updated: Wednesday, 18 October 2006 17:05 JST
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