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lazy thoughts
princess' diaries IV
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
missing princess...everyday is a reminder
Mood:  not sure
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.
You make me happy when skies are grey.
You'll never know dear, how much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away.

The other night dear, as I lay sleeping,
I dreamt I held you in my arms.
When I awoke dear, I was mistaken,
So I hung my head down and cried.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.
You make me happy when skies are grey.
You'll never know dear, how much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away.

Posted by terror-twins at 17:16 JST
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Tuesday, 4 November 2008
fondly remembered by all of us...
Topic: lazy thoughts

princess was cremated on 4th nov 2008, 10am... mummy, granny & uncle james were there, while uncle jeff watched it via the 3G phone.

we would like to thank the staff at animal recover centre's (balestier) staff for their professionalism & their efforts to make princess as comfortable as possible, especially dr. jean-paul lye & dr. shum, including the nurses. they are still as respectful to princess even though we know she was unable to make it through.

we also like to thank ruth for driving princess home after she had her 3rd relapse, on 24th nov 2008. ruth had only seen princess for the 1st time. she was also there when princess breathed her last.

princess had been a blessing to all of us- family, extended families & close friends....she had also brought laughters to many strangers.

princess is more than a pet...she is part of the family. we didn't lose a dog, we lost a family member. princess, thank you for the memories!

princess forever   <<< her last video

Posted by terror-twins at 22:59 WST
Updated: Wednesday, 5 November 2008 02:20 WST
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17th feb 2003- 3rd nov 2008
Topic: lazy thoughts

thank for reading princess' dairies through the years....princess passed away peacefully on the 3rd nov 2008, 4:45pm...

princess bought us so many laughters & happiness, we are glad she belongs to us all...


Posted by terror-twins at 00:03 WST
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Friday, 31 October 2008
slowly & steadily...
Mood:  amorous
Topic: lazy thoughts

thank you for all your well- wishings Kiss i am getting better- able to walk to the toilet to relieve myself, i don't feel lethargic most of the time...

today, mummy boiled some pumkin for me...finally, something new! Tongue out i gobble it up! did i mentioned that i am only allowed to drink 'evian' mineral water? and yoyo is such a sweet sister that she gave me her only bed, so that i can rest better?

Posted by terror-twins at 01:36 JST
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Tuesday, 28 October 2008
another visit to the vet
Mood:  energetic
Topic: lazy thoughts

this morning, at around 5am, i purge out lotsa poo Foot in mouth but i felt so much better...

at 10.30am, i welcome my buddy by running towards the door, & gave her a golden shower Embarassed its my way of telling her: hey! you are my alpha!!! *giggles*

then we proceed to visit the vet...dr. jean paul lye was happy to see me back on my saddle again, & suggested to mummy that i need a surgery asap, otherwise there will be a relapse within 10 days.

hence, the surgery will be on  4th nov 2008, 9.30am...chance will be 50/50...i may die during the op, or within the critical 48hours after the op...Frown

 the blue bandages ain't fashion statement, ya!? it's the painful insertion of plugs...i was whining softly when they did this to me Cry

Posted by terror-twins at 23:59 JST
Updated: Wednesday, 29 October 2008 00:24 JST
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Mood:  bright
Topic: lazy thoughts

this morning, i am able to swallow some food... i even walked a few steps, though it's a little straining for me.

anyway, mummy knows that i love to walk in the park after the, she took me out for some fresh air after a heavy downpour earlier...


Posted by terror-twins at 02:01 JST
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Monday, 27 October 2008
i'm getting weaker...
Mood:  down
Topic: lazy thoughts

mummy has to work today, so i went over to my yoyo's place this  morning. she said she misses me alot & promised not to bark when i'm around.

i'm getting weaker, & my bloated stomach can't seemed to release much of the toxins. everybody starts to cry when  they sees me this way...i'm listless, weak & sleep most of the time. i can't eat. i cannot control my bladder.

when i reach home at 10pm, mummy starts to cry again...Cry

anyway, this is my fourth blog- probably my first entry was on 26th june 2004, in princess diaries I.

princess diaries

princess diaries II

princess diaries III

check out my bad hair days, my fun days, my bitchy ways, & friends/ family who love me... like mummy always says: i'm her bundle of joy!!!

Posted by terror-twins at 01:20 JST
Updated: Monday, 27 October 2008 02:28 JST
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Sunday, 26 October 2008
no improvement, just yet...
Mood:  sad
Topic: lazy thoughts

i finally managed to catch some sleep at home...i am able to pee but not poo....mummy is so worried about the toxins that is building up in my system...

i hate it when the cold medicines flow into my vein...i always cringe Cry

mummy will feed me water every 1 hour, & give me half- boiled egg-white every several hours.

Posted by terror-twins at 01:15 JST
Updated: Sunday, 26 October 2008 01:29 JST
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Saturday, 25 October 2008
liver shunt
Mood:  sad
Topic: lazy thoughts

liver shunt finally worn me down...

when mummy saw me in a depressed state- not eating, not drinking, she send me to the best vet she knows, dr. jean- paul lye of animal recovery centre (balestier).

he did an ultra sound for me & decided to keep me for 24hours in the hospital. he told mummy that my liver has shrunk to 1/3 of its normal size.

because my liver has not been functioning properly, i have toxins in my body, & that there are alot fluid in my stomach that i cannot  dispel.

i have no appetite to eat, drink & be happy. i'm to weak to even stand. but i know everybody is worried about me. i'm now on herbal medications, on I.V & various de-tox medications...

i hope i'll be able to growl at yoyo again,take walks in tampines park with mummy & granny, go fishing with uncle jeff & auntie ruth,taking my naps with uncle james.

but the most important thing is that i know i lived my life fully during the past 5 years...from sydney to singapore, from mummy to my extended has been good to me!

may beings never have the karmic cause to be reborn in the animal realm. if they are born there, may they have freedom, clear mind & wisdom. may they be also able to obtain food & drinks effortlessly. may they have happiness. may the animal realm be transformed into realm of bliss.

Posted by terror-twins at 00:52 JST
Updated: Saturday, 25 October 2008 02:04 JST
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Monday, 25 August 2008
singapore dog show 24th aug 2008 (SKC)
Mood:  energetic
Topic: lazy thoughts

Posted by terror-twins at 00:38 JST
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Monday, 18 August 2008
updates on dusty-- the abandoned dog
Mood:  cool
Topic: lazy thoughts

if you follow, you'll remember the abandoned dog- dusty.

well, he e- mailed me earlier Foot in mouth 

the picture will say it all- he's happy & healthy!

Posted by terror-twins at 00:35 JST
Updated: Monday, 18 August 2008 00:40 JST
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Tuesday, 22 July 2008
intrinsic value of lives
Mood:  loud
Topic: lazy thoughts seems quite a concern for me lately, that more & more people are throwing away their pets, including puppies. many are pure breeds bought from pet shops & pet farms. this phenomenon  troubles me greatly. 

mummy has been fostering puppies & dogs, so to find a permanent house for them...just last weekend, when i was at yoyo's house, mummy rescued another puppy from the streets...


Posted by terror-twins at 18:04 JST
Updated: Tuesday, 22 July 2008 18:19 JST
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Tuesday, 8 July 2008
yoyo's spaying experience...
Mood:  sharp
Topic: lazy thoughts

Yell at the age of 4.5 years old, yoyo is finally spayed Yell

the procedure was done by the famous & ethical vet--- dr. ling, of the namly animal clinic Laughing it was so hard to even get a date, as dr. ling khoon hsing is always so busy healing animals.

because yoyo has been re-homed for 5 times already, she is spayed, microchipped, dental scaled & vaccinated...all in a day....ewwwww......Surprised

Undecided i remembered i went thru' that scary experience 4 years ago....Cry

Posted by terror-twins at 00:47 JST
Updated: Tuesday, 8 July 2008 02:33 JST
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Saturday, 19 April 2008
it's magic! don't blink!
Mood:  bright
Topic: lazy thoughts

another weekend with yoyo... its raining & we cannot go out & i decided to bring the playground home. you see, i'm bored to tears!

i called sammi, & he accepted my invitation- 'be there in 5!'' great Kiss

then i figured, maybe we should play a trick on yoyo Tongue out

Posted by terror-twins at 16:50 JST
Updated: Saturday, 19 April 2008 17:34 JST
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Saturday, 5 April 2008
dog day afternoon
Mood:  chillin'
Topic: lazy thoughts
we were supposed to catch up with sammi, but we lost i decided to walk yoyo to the new changi prison...

Posted by terror-twins at 03:37 JST
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Sunday, 17 February 2008
i'm 5 today!!!!
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: lazy thoughts

Kiss i'm 5 today!!!

my fans asked me why i've been m.i.a (missing in action) recently....

ah, well.....*ahem* you see... i've been going through this laser skin rejuvernation Tongue outTongue outTongue out.....just teasing!Foot in mouth

Posted by terror-twins at 14:53 WST
Updated: Sunday, 17 February 2008 15:02 WST
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Sunday, 3 February 2008
Mood:  chillin'
Topic: lazy thoughts

i can't meet up with hammer today because i want to keep grandma company, after her eye operation few days ago...

so, i decided not to disappoint hammer & requested for yoyo to stand- in for me Kiss

Posted by terror-twins at 01:19 WST
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Monday, 28 January 2008
who's that boy?
Mood:  amorous
Topic: lazy thoughts

wow, who's that handsome boy?Foot in mouth

Posted by terror-twins at 23:57 WST
Updated: Tuesday, 29 January 2008 00:03 WST
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Thursday, 3 January 2008
updates on dusty
Mood:  amorous

Kiss yes.... that abandoned pooch is now known as 'dusty'!

he is in a happy home now, staying with robin & their parents. he is coping very well, & robin is excited to be playing with him all day long...

well, talking about abandoned dog... it seems like yesterday when yoyo just arrived...*giggle*  my funny sister!

she was skinny, clueless, always hungry & sad... now healthy & happy! 

Posted by terror-twins at 19:40 WST
Updated: Thursday, 3 January 2008 19:50 WST
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Tuesday, 1 January 2008
the young abandoned dog we found...
Mood:  irritated
Topic: lazy thoughts

due to overwhelming requests, we decided to release some pictures we took of him, as he was when he was found.....


Posted by terror-twins at 19:21 WST
Updated: Tuesday, 1 January 2008 23:51 WST
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