Mood: energetic
Topic: lazy thoughts
this morning, at around 5am, i purge out lotsa poo but i felt so much better...
at 10.30am, i welcome my buddy by running towards the door, & gave her a golden shower its my way of telling her: hey! you are my alpha!!! *giggles*
then we proceed to visit the vet...dr. jean paul lye was happy to see me back on my saddle again, & suggested to mummy that i need a surgery asap, otherwise there will be a relapse within 10 days.
hence, the surgery will be on 4th nov 2008, 9.30am...chance will be 50/50...i may die during the op, or within the critical 48hours after the op...
the blue bandages ain't fashion statement, ya!? it's the painful insertion of plugs...i was whining softly when they did this to me